ITT PILATES Foundation Training
We recommend you take a minimum of 10 private sessions and 15 Mat classes before you start your journey as a Mat instructor.
If you choose to go on to the Reformer Certification, we recommend you take an additional 10 private sessions on the Reformer before you begin that segment of the training.
We all start at the beginning with our Foundation Course- Anatomy & Core Dynamics.
Our Essential Exercises course can be taken alone or as part of our Mat Certification Training.
Anatomy & Core Dynamics
Anatomy & Core Dynamics is a 2-day (12 hours) workshop that provides you with an in-depth look at anatomy and how it relates to movement instruction.
This course will give you a solid foundation for training in any movement field - Pilates, GYROTONIC®, Yoga, or Fitness.
We cover the bones, joints, and muscles used in movement practices. We discuss muscular imbalances and how to address them to avoid or recover from injury. We explore the muscles that make up our "inner core" and lean how to activate them.
Learning how your body is designed to move will enhance your personal movement practice and your work as a movement instructor.
Course Materials
Students are required to purchase the following anatomy books:
Trail Guide to the Body, by Andrew Biel
Anatomy of Movement, by Blandine Calais-Germain
These books may be purchased from We recommend you purchase the most recent edition of each book.
Students are required to read the following pages from each book, prior to the start of the program: Reading for ITT PILATES students
Please purchase your books well in advance to give yourself time to read and prepare for the training.
Essential Exercises
The Essential Exercises course is what make our students stand out as exceptional instructors. These are the fundamental building blocks for healthy movement patterns and are relevant to every exercise program. You learn how to identify dysfunctional movement patterns and address them with renewed motor control.
This course is designed for new and experienced instructors who want to go deeper in their understanding of movement and learn tools that make Pilates exercises accessible to anybody.
The course (24 hours) includes exercises for:
Core Activation
Spinal Mobility
Hip and Shoulder Joint Mobility
Lumbar and Pelvic Stability
Trunk and Shoulder Girdle Stability
Course Objectives:
Learn key movement principles that build a solid foundation for movement training
Tools and skills to improve kinesthetic awareness, motor control, and prevent injury
Improve fitness and athletic performance with these functional movement patterns
Course Materials
ITT Pilates Essential Exercises manual (included)
ITT Pilates Essential Exercises- Videos (required to purchase)