Master Level Classes &
Continued Education
ITT PILATES Master Level Courses
In addition to our ITT PILATES Comprehensive Instructor Training program, we offer a Master Level education to hone your skills working with injuries or post-rehabilitation. These courses are open to all qualified Movement instructors from any organization.
Pilates for Low Back Pain
Course Objectives:
Understand the most common spinal conditions that can be safely addressed with Pilates exercise
Understand the importance and relevance of training for stability and mobility rather than strength alone
Learn the role of the Multifidus and Transversus Abdominis muscles in spinal stabilization
Learn to train the nervous system with motor control exercises for stabilization
Learn Pilates exercises to restore mobility in the thoracic spine while stabilizing the lumbar spine
Learn how to safely progress a client from stabilization to full-body movement using Pilates exercises
Saturday November 9, 2024 11am-6pm
Sacrum, Lumbar, and Pelvic Harmony in Motion
Course objectives:
Learn how the sacrum moves within the pelvic girdle and how the lumbar spine affects the sacrum
Learn the interplay between muscles above and below the pelvis that affect movement of the sacrum
Learn why imbalance in the piriformis muscles can lead to sacrum dysfunction and how to release a chronic tight piriformis
Assess the motion of sacrum in gait and train muscle firing patterns for healthy movement
Explore Pilates equipment exercises that develop balanced strength and flexibility in the lumbar spine and pelvic girdle to support healthy sacral motion
December 7, 2024 11am-6pm
Mobility & Stability in the Shoulder Girdle
Course Objectives:
Review the anatomy of the shoulder girdle and how it functions
Learn to see and assess compensated movement in the shoulder girdle
Learn what muscles are commonly tight and restrict healthy movement patterns
Explore muscle and tissue releases to teach clients for home programs
Learn Pilates exercises that teach movement re-patterning for the scapulothoracic area and glenohumeral joint
Learn how to weave activation exercises into a Pilates equipment session for successful strength training
January 18, 2025 11am-6pm
Auditing - Review, Refresh and go deeper with your knowledge
Auditing is a great way to revitalize your practice and deepen your understanding of the ITT Pilates repertoire and teaching skills, without the stress of being a first-time student.
ITT PILATES encourages all our graduates and current students to audit as many courses as they want. Auditing allows you to gain more clarity on the exercises and teaching practices to sharpen skills as an instructor.
We also welcome prospective students to audit a course. Contact us if you’re interested in learning more about the ITT PILATES approach before committing to full enrollment.

Continued Education
The Advanced Movement Series, with our ITT PILATES Master Educators, is designed to broaden your repertoire and skills working with groups and individuals. The Advanced Movement Series includes:
Enhanced Skills for Teaching Mat
Stretch and Release on the Foam Roller
Group Reformer Class Solutions
Advanced Reformer Exercises
Advanced Cadillac Exercises
Advanced Chair Exercises